14 September, 2011

for the record.

so... i haven't FORGOTTEN about my blog, per seeeee....... i've just been willfully ignoring it. YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME, BLOG! you can nag my mind all you want, see if i update you!

try your luck, though. i'm writing on it today, so who's to say it couldn't become a regular thing?

for more frequent updating, my website, www.charlottepines.com, is probably your best bet, but then who can tell the future?

jokes aside, i am working on a show called callous cad. it's gonna be awesome, i guarantee it.

check out the official callous cad website! it's one of two shows that will be in rep at the HERE arts space in soho from friday, september 30th - sunday october 16th. i will be portraying a magical being, (see the confetti?) sent to help tom chao (under confetti) celebrate his new love... or so i think!

the other half of cheerful insanity is kim katzberg's penetrating the space, which looks rad as hell. SO GO SEE THEM BOTH!

callous cad

145 6th avenue, new york, ny
(enter on dominick, 1 block south of spring

friday september 30th, october 7th and 14th at 7pm
saturday october 1st, 8th and 15th at 3pm and 7pm
sunday october 2nd, 9th and 16th at 3pm

buy your tickets here!